International Conference
ETESD-II 2023, ETESD-III 2024: Environmental Technologies and Engineering for Sustainable Development
Conference Materials
International Conference
ETESD-III 2024: Environmental Technologies and Engineering for Sustainable Development
III International Conference on Environmental Technologies and Engineering for Sustainable Development (ETESD-III 2024) was held by National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers» with the support scientists of Iowa State University, North Dakota State University and The Ohio State University (USA), Ondokuz Mayis University and the Association of Ecological Agriculture Organization (Turkey), University Technology Malaysia (Malaysia), Angel Kanchev University of Ruse (Bulgaria), Bangladesh Agricultural University (Bangladesh), S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University and South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov (Kazakhstan) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
The purpose of the Conference was to share the experience in the areas of environment protection, biodiversity preservation, innovative technologies used in agriculture, preventing environmental damage, as well as to discuss the urgent problems and prospects of advanced technologies of food production, soil protection and tillage, water saving, environmental research and earth space systems.
Proceedings published in:
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (volume 1420) (December 2024)
E3S Web of Conferences (February - March 2025)
The conference proceedings published in Volume 1420 of the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. The volume contains the following papers:
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Biodiversity
Technologies and Technical Means for Storage, Processing and Preservation of Food Products
Environmental Technologies and Techniques of Energy and Oil and Gas Industries
Innovative Technologies of Agriculture, Soil Protection and Tillage Technologies
Technologies for Cleaning Up Environmental Damage, Water Resources and Water Saving Technologies
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Biodiversity, Water Resources and Water Saving Technologies
01001 |
Evaluation of velocity distribution in earthen irrigation canals |
Maqsud Otakhonov, Dilbar Abduraimova, Davron Allayorov, and Ilkhomjon Zokirov |
01002 |
Using trees on the sides of roads at Mosul University as biological indicators of environmental pollution |
Khalid Hashem Abd, Ali Farouq Al-Ma’athedi, and Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf |
01003 |
Quarantine segetal plant’s pathways throughout the territory of the Russian Federation |
Elena Yu. Yembaturova, Marat R. Burnashev, Anastasia E. Nesterenkova, and Yulia S. Cheryatova |
01004 |
Preservation of rare plants of Boysun-Cholbair mountains |
Dilfuza Sodikova, Mingboy Xalmuratov, Azamat Ergashev, and Sevara Xakimova |
01005 |
Measurement of water-air mixing in a centrifugal pump used in irrigation systems |
Yakub Chulliyev, Baxadir Baltabayev, Mashrab Abdullayev, and Bogibek Urinov |
01006 |
Studying the influence of seedling thickness, growth, development and productivity in drip irrigation of cotton under the film |
Tolib Karimov, Zubayda Isokova, and Bobamurod Khatamov |
01007 |
Development of a method for measuring physical parameters of snow avalanches and a device for its implementation |
Boris Khastsaev, Alan Kortiev, Maxim Maslakov, and Aslan Kortiev |
01008 |
Environmental aspects of the use of UAVs in the Arctic regions |
Amelia Grace, Igor Kovalev, Dmitry Kovalev, Dmitry Borovinsky, and Artem Engel |
01009 |
Evaluation of some faba bean cultivars under different sowing dates |
Eman A.M.A. El-Haggan, Ramadan A. Badawy, and Eshraq A.A. Mohamed |
01010 |
Changes in ticks’ species composition in the European part of Russia due climate change |
Olga E. Malceva, Eugene A. Zhuravleva, Maxim N. Loschinin, and Svetlana V. Alexeyenkova |
01011 |
Device for tree ringing in clearing and cleaning fellings |
Nikita Anisimov, Ilya Anisimov, and Vladimir Makarov |
Technologies and Technical Means for Storage, Processing and Preservation of Food Products
02001 |
Some current utilization options for melon, lemon and grapefruit wastes |
Vanya Zhivkova |
02002 |
The method of desalination of nickel catalysts of hydrogenation of vegetable oils |
Elmira Aminova, Lilia Kasyanova, Lilia Asfandiyarova, and Aigul Islamutdinova |
02003 |
Biodiesel fuel based on peanut and palm oil additives |
Anton Bizhaev, Valery Chumakov, and Nikolay Maistrenko |
02004 |
Study of grain movement in the working chamber of the feed grinder |
Djabpar Alijanov, and Bakhtiyor Xusainov |
02005 |
Optimizing parameters of the seed-removing pipe |
Davlat Mukhammadiev, Ilhom Ergashev, Lola Zhamolova, and Mirzo Abdusalomov |
02006 |
Innovative approaches to grain and mixture segregation during threshing |
Komil Astanakulov, Khamid Сhoriev, Bogdagul Karshieva, Khalima Akhmedova, Umida Nomozova, and Shaxnoza Khayitova |
02007 |
Optimizing mash threshing quality through drum rotation frequency adjustment |
Khasan Eshankulov, Umida Imamova, Dilafruz Kenjabaeva, Kakhramon Eshkoraev, Alim Axmedov, and Dilnoza Bobokulova |
Environmental Engineering and Soil Technologies, Techniques of Energy, Oil and Gas Industries
03001 |
Influence of angle attack of the spherical disc skim-coulter and forward speed of the unit on soil throw distance |
Abdukayum Normirzaev, and Islam Ruziev |
03002 |
Creation of a stubble cultivator for the development of soil protection technology in the natural conditions of Central Asia |
Mukhayya Shoumarova, Tulegen Abdillaev, and Nurali Ashurov |
03003 |
Laboratory studies of the soil condition impact on the effectiveness of oil pollution monitoring method in the near IR range |
Bach M. Nguyen, Yury V. Fedotov, Nikolay V. Baryshnikov, and Mikhail L. Belov |
03004 |
Theoretical aspects of determining the consumption of the working fluid coming out of the annular slotted regulator of resource-efficient sprinklers |
Kh. D. Irisov, G. S. Xamidov, N. Abdiyev, R. M. Botirov, and M. A. Amanova |
03005 |
Construction and interpretation of regression models of nitrogen oxides emissions from oil refinery furnaces |
Vladimir Kosygin, Victor Katin, and Mikhail Ilyavin |
03006 |
Economic and environmental prerequisites for the use of solar photovoltaic systems in agriculture |
Zulfizarkhon Djumabayeva, Abdurahim Berdishev, Oybek Matchonov, Temirbek Aizhan, Gulaiym Balkhojayeva, and Dilyara Nurzhanova |
03007 |
The methodology for reactive power control to ensure voltage quality using fuzzy logic |
Ilkhombek Khоliddinоv, Mirzokhid Sharobiddinov, Mashkhurakhon Kholiddinova, Sokhib Komolddinov, Afzal Qodirov, and Saidislomkhon Tukhtasinov |
03008 |
Agrobiological studies on the influence of gas-dynamic processes on soil |
Rasuljon Tojiev |
03009 |
Heat capacity of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate at high temperatures and pressures |
Zufar I. Zaripov, Ruslan R. Nakipov, Farid М. Gumerov, and Sergey V. Mazanov |
03010 |
Experimental study of the phase equilibrium diagram of the binary mixture "Freon R404A-acetone" |
Zufar I. Zaripov, Ruslan R. Nakipov, Sergey V. Mazanov, and Farid М. Gumerov |
03011 |
Geological and statistical processing of logging data |
Denis Vasilyev, and Inna Ozden |
Innovative Technologies of Agriculture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Research
04001 |
Justification of the parameters affecting the maneuverability of a four-wheeled tractor |
Bakhtiyor Kambarov, Vosit Ashirov, Shavkat Ravshanov, and Najmiddin Mirzayev |
04002 |
Substantiation of the parameters of the device disc furrow opener for local laying organic fertilizers |
Abdirasuli A. Ibragimov, Abdukarim A. Abdurakhmanov, Pulat A. Uteniyazov, Baxtiyar B. Ramazanov, and Baxit N. Ramazanov |
04003 |
Agro-robotics: problems and prospects |
Kadirjon Shavazov, Larisa Zhuravleva, Mikhail Karpov, Atkham Borotov, Olim Narzullaev, and Nurali Ashurov |
04004 |
Optimized upper disk plow design for efficient cotton field cultivation |
Farmon Mamatov, Maxmatmurod Shomirzaev, Sherzod Kurbanov, Samar Ochilov, and Mokhichekhra Begimkulova |
04005 |
The use of artificial intelligence technologies in agriculture in surveys for quarantine weed species detection |
Marat M. Burnashev, Vera A. Yakovleva, Anastasia E. Nesterenkova, and Denis F. Zinnikov |
04006 |
Obtaining high-strength mastering mortars using ultra-disperse active mineral additives based on technogenic raw materials of Uzbekistan |
Rakhimboy Rakhimov, Gulmira Marupova, Marguba Egamova, Bobur Matyokubov, Dilbar Rustamova, Xayrulla Mamadaliyev, and Nurmuhammad Razzaqov |
04007 |
Consideration of shear deformation in the calculation of bent structural elements |
Inomjon Khamzaev, Elmurad Umarov, Ozodakhon Khaydarova, Jalolidin Muminov and Bobojon Ortiqaliyev |
04008 |
Experimental investigation of steel fiber dispersed reinforced concrete beams |
Maksud ugli Bakhtiyorjon, and Sobirjon Razzakov |
04009 |
Optimizing screw shredder rotations for efficient shrubby tree branch processing |
Jonibek Ulashov, Timur Ivanov, Murodilla Toshmirzayev, Bogdagul Karshieva, Orifjon Khakimov, and Bekzod Choriev |
Technologies for Cleaning Up Environmental Damage and Waste Disposal
05001 |
Evaluation of concentration (Rn222, VOCs, CO2) for dust storm samples in Najaf Governorate, Iraq |
Haneen Talib Abed, Shaimaa Ali Rahi, Rand A. Hayder, Ali Saeed Jassim, and Ali Abid Abojassim |
05002 |
Toxicity analysis of components of technogenically disturbed territories by phytotesting method |
Liliya Asfandiyarova, Guzel Khakimova, Inna Ovsyannikova, and Valeriya Pryanichnikova |
05003 |
ESG agenda, its implementation and assessment of environmental risks in the region |
Alexander Tulupov, Anna Bezdudnaya, Alexander Rodionov, and Marina Treyman |
05004 |
Aspects of fire risk assessment, analysis and management |
Irek Bakirov, Liliya Zaripova, and Fanil Khafizov |
05005 |
Increase of ecological and road safety of automobile transport via application of simulation modeling |
Kirill Magdin, Irina Sippel, and Stanislav Evtyukov |
Computing, Mathematics, Cybernetics, Information and Earth Space Sensing Systems for Sustainable Development
06001 |
Strategic management analysis of sustainable development in the green economy |
Sihao Wang, Jianxia Li, Zhenbo Zou, Yuhan Zhao, and Sergey Konstantinov |
06002 |
New method for establishing intercalibration intervals of measuring instruments based on the study of metrological reliability |
Shodlik М. Masharipov, Sarvar A. Rakhmatullaev, and Nigina A. Djumaniyazova |
06003 |
Energy geopolitics from issues to solutions: сognitive modeling of processes |
Irina Lapshina, Anna Alekseeva, and Еlena Papchenko |
06004 |
Algorithm for the calculation of the load capacity of the equipment of reverse traction networks |
Elena Vinnikova, Pavel Smolin, Alexander Paranin, and Vladislav Tretiakov |
06005 |
Construction of evaluation index system for sustainable development of higher education and municipal analysis |
Yulin Qin, Yajun Yuan, Yurou Wu, Mingyu Ye, and Jeniboy Kimpahd |
06006 |
The deep learning model to predict sustainable green growth of companies in volatile economy |
Irina Androsova, Elena Simonenko, Olga Sogacheva, Pavel Kravchenya, Ekaterina Fadeeva, Tatyana Agievich, and Nikolay Lomakin |
06007 |
Multi-agent intelligent decision support system in the field of energy consumption management |
Svetlana Podgornaya, and Aleksey Davydov |
06008 |
Neural network models for predicting human capital development for the energy industry |
Aleksandr Zhukov, Sergey Pronichkin, Marina Krynzhina, Evgeniy Maslenkin, Ekaterina Melikhova, and Igor Kartsan |
06009 |
Big data analysis for risk management of knowledge-intensive transnational corporations |
Aleksandr Zhukov, Sergey Pronichkin, Yuri Mihaylov, Natalia Ovsianikova, Svetlana Ponomareva, and Igor Kartsan |
06010 |
Maps of the shortest paths to the Kufa Mosque using network analysis in geographic information systems |
Ahmed Yahya Abd Abass, and Ghanim Sahib Abd |
06011 |
Assessing challenges and modernization strategies for the sewer network: enhancing water management in Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan |
Gulshad Abdiganieva, Zakir Turlibaev, and Gulzira Tangatarova |
International Conference
ETESD-II 2023: Environmental Technologies and Engineering for Sustainable Development
II International Conference on Environmental Technologies and Engineering for Sustainable Development (ETESD-II 2023) was held by National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers» with the support scientists of Iowa State University, North Dakota State University and The Ohio State University (USA), Ondokuz Mayis University and the Association of Ecological Agriculture Organization (Turkey), University Technology Malaysia (Malaysia), Angel Kanchev University of Ruse (Bulgaria), Bangladesh Agricultural University (Bangladesh), S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University and South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov (Kazakhstan) on 13-15 September 2023 and 14 October 2023 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
The purpose of the Conference was to share the experience in the areas of environment protection, biodiversity preservation, innovative technologies used in agriculture, preventing environmental damage, as well as to discuss the urgent problems and prospects of advanced technologies of food production, soil protection and tillage, water saving, environmental research and earth space systems.
published in:
E3S Web of Conferences (volume 443)
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (volume 1284)
01001 |
Integration of forestry management tasks at the forestry level |
Vladimir Mavzovin, Nikolay Klevanskiy, Dmitry Shakirzyanov, Ekaterina Miroshikhina, and Venera Yumagulova |
01002 |
Application of enzymatic hydrolyzate of chitosan as a plant growth promoter |
Miroslava Kotlyar, Diana Ibatullina, Maria Zinov’eva, Ksenia Shnaider, and Sania Zaripova |
01003 |
Study of the combustion process of flammable liquids in open areas and its impact on the environment |
Sergey Vilokhin, Sergey Ponikarov, and Artem Ponikarov |
01004 |
Engineering surveys for the rebuilding of culverts considering construction requirements |
Irina Trotsenko, Yulia Korchevskaya, and Sergey Shelest |
01005 |
Determining the economic efficiency of the intelligent system in an irrigation network |
Anvar Djalilov, Erkin Sobirov, Umida Tasheva, Irina Allenova, and Jasur Abdunabiyev |
02001 |
Influence of cultivation technology on the yield of winter wheat |
Yuri Syromyatnikov, Ivan Semenenko, Alexandra Orekhovskaya, Irina Troyanovskaya, Iraida Bedenko, and Rustem Sakhapov |
02002 |
Development of new recipes for minced meat semi-finished products using Allium ursinum |
Galina Ivanova, Olga Kolman, Marina Glotova, Ekaterina Nikulina, and Olga Evtukhova |
02003 |
Preparation and characterization of chitosan/Aloe Vera gel film for fresh fruit preservation |
Tran Y Doan Trang, Ha Thi Dzung, Ta Thi Huong, Le Quang Dien, Do Thi Hanh, and Ha Thi Nha Phuong |
02004 |
Experimental study of the process of drying melon slices in a chamber-convection dryer |
O. Rakhmatov, and F. O. Rakhmatov |
02005 |
Experimental study of a drying installation for drying melon with IR-radiation |
O. Rakhmatov, I. S. Zhulbekov, and I. M. Kabulov |
03001 |
Singular-spectrum time series analysis for oil and gas industry production forecasting |
Aleksandr Zhukov, Denis Zhurenkov, Yuliya Basalaeva, Victor Gedzyun, Vladimir Skripachev, and Igor Kartsan |
03002 |
Influence of technical tools on the ecology of agricultural engineering sphere |
Igor Lipkovich, Irina Egorova, Nadezhda Petrenko, Abdul- Mudalif Dzjasheev, Aidar Nurullin, and Adelya Sayfutdinova |
03003 |
Effectiveness of mineral fertilizers in cultivation of maize for grain under conditions of the Central Chernozem region |
Ekaterina Malysheva, Oksana Nikitina, Marina Chaplygina, Natalya Dolgopolova, and Liliya Fomicheva |
03004 |
Evaluation of energy-economic parameters of tractor with electrically driven power unit |
Anton V. Bizhaev, Sergey N. Devyanin, Valery L. Chumakov, Yaroslav D. Pavlov, and Nikolay A. Maistrenko |
03005 |
The influence of thermal pressure on the catalytic properties of SHS converter blocks during pre-start preparation of a diesel engine |
Alla Melbert, Alexander Mashensky, Alexander Scherbakov, Ilgiz Razetdinov, and Airat Safin |
03006 |
Modeling roll contact curves of a squeezing machine |
Dildora Sulaymanova, Yulduzoy Abduganieva, and Zokhidjon Miratoev |
03007 |
Determination of the maximum droplet diameter during centrifugal extraction, soil analysis, contamination and waste disposal |
Sergey I. Ponikarov, and Artem S. Ponikarov |
03008 |
Increasing the efficiency of heat exchange by changing the construction of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger |
Ganisher B. Rakhimov, and Feruzbek I. Murtazayev |
03009 |
Environmental aspects of subsurface irrigation and development of a mathematical model of a double-circuit solar heating system |
A T. Tyemurkhanov, G N. Tovarnyx, and S A. Utaev |
04001 |
Macroregional sustainable development on the basis of public-private partnership mechanisms |
Viktor Prokhorov, Ivan Rozhnov, Olga Maslova, and Anna Kuklina |
04002 |
Organizational and economic mechanism for the implementation of sustainable innovations |
Maksim Zotov |
04003 |
Rural area infrastructure as a factor in the development of organic farming |
Kirill Yu. Maksimovich, Alexander E. Lisitsin, Vitaly V. Aleschenko, Adel M. Yakushev, and Adelya M. Sayfutdinova |
04004 |
Study of the kinematics of a disc-pin working body |
Rinat Abdrakhmanov, Maxim Kononov, Marat Kalimullin, Irina Troyanovskaya, Rustem Sakhapov, and Ilgiz Razetdinov |
04005 |
Method for repairing steel crankshaft joints |
Boris Tarasenko, Abdul-Mudalif Dzjasheev, Viktor Markov, Ramil Zagidullin, Stanislav Akhmetshin, and Adel Yakushev |
04006 |
Choice of technology for heat treatment of large diameter gears on the basis of the system-resource approach |
Stanislav Gorobchenko, Dmitriy Kovalev, Viktoriia Sokolova, Ekaterina Miroshikhina, Venera Yumagulova, Alexandra Krivonogova, and Yuri Pushkov |
04007 |
Analysis of land management expertise in order to determine the location of the boundaries of a residential building and land plot |
Stanislav Odintcov, Alexander Loshakov, Lyudmila Kipa, Margarita Kasmynina, and Marina Melnik |
04008 |
Digital technologies for remote control and monitoring in road construction |
Lyudmila Glebushkina, and Aleksey Tokarev |
04009 |
Placement, construction and operation of local drainage systems on land plots provided for individual housing construction |
Alexander Chugunov, Ekaterina Ol, Nadezhda Matyusheva, Sergey Voinash, Ilgam Kiyamov, and Linar Sabitov |
04010 |
Modeling residual moisture content of leather |
Gayrat Bahadirov, Kakhramon Aliboev, and Shamsiddin Xaydarov |
04011 |
Modeling the contact interaction of leather with squeezing rollers |
Gayrat Bahadirov, Kakhramon Aliboev, and Shamsiddin Xaydarov |
04012 |
Risk assessments for rockfalls taking into account the structure of the rock mass |
Daulet Takhanov, Merei Balpanova, Aigul Kenetayeva, Mukhammedrakhym Rabatuly, Gulnar Zholdybayeva, and Sheishenaly Usupayev |
04013 |
Analysis of the optimization of labor protection measures in engineering work |
A J Kurbonov, O R Yuldoshe, N J Saidxonova, S T Oblakulov, and K A DJumakulova |
04014 |
The need for instrumental measurement of the traction force of the friction drive of the vertical spindles of the cotton harvesting machine |
M. Shoumarova, T. Abdillayev, A. A. Duskulov, and Sh. A. Yusupov |
04015 |
Study of the influence of oil consumption and changes in key indicators during the operation of diesel and gas engines |
R K. Musurmanov, S А. Utaev, and A. K. Turaev |
05001 |
Bioethanol production from secondary bioresources of the pulp and paper industry |
Olga Bolotnikova, Nadezhda Kvasha, and Ekaterina Malevskaia-Malevich |
05002 |
Air source emissions inventory: A case for emissions calculation in Vietnam |
Pham Huong Quynh, Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet, and Pham Thi Thanh Yen |
05003 |
Proposals to reduce the impact of climatic anomalies on the productivity of hayfields in arid conditions |
Marina Vlasenko, and Svetlana Turko |
05004 |
Physico-chemical analysis of oil emulsions |
Dmitry Slashchinin, Tatyana Luneva, and Maria Kovaleva |
05005 |
Synthesis of a cost-effective magnetic nanoparticles coated sugarcane bagasse and testing tetracycline removal capacity |
Ta Thi Huong, and Tran Y Doan Trang |
05006 |
Collection and sorting of glass waste for recycling in the production of building materials and products |
Julia Shchepochkina, Dmitry Klyosov, Nadezhda Matyusheva, Vladimir Zyryanov, and Aidar Nurullin |
05007 |
Efficiency analysis of roller squeezing of leather |
Dildora Sulaymanova, Yulduzoy Abduganieva, and Zokhidjon Miratoev |
05008 |
Modeling the water filtration rate during the process of squeezing leather |
Shavkat Khurramov, Kuvondar Bektoshev, and Jakhongir Jonkobilov |
05009 |
Simulation of hydraulic during roller squeezing of leather |
Shavkat Khurramov, Kuvondar Bektoshev, and Jakhongir Jonkobilov |
05010 |
Monitoring the effectiveness of organizational and technological complexes of enterprises for the processing and disposal of solid waste |
Igor Kovalev, Dmitry Kovalev, Evgenia Tueva, Valerya Podoplelova, Dmitry Borovinsky, and Svetlana Efa |
05011 |
Use of morphometric and phenological indicators of Betula pendula Roth for environmental health assessment |
Nina Turmukhametova, and Denis Turmukhametov |
06001 |
Environmental safety at hi-tech enterprises in the application of artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0 technologies |
Aleksandr Zhukov, Anton Saveliev, Denis Zhurenkov, Yuliya Basalaeva, Suren Khachaturyan, and Igor Kartsan |
06002 |
Monte Carlo solution of heat conductivity problems with quadratic nonlinearity on the boundary of domain |
Abdujabar Rasulov, Gulnora Raimova, and Dilfusa Hasanova |
06003 |
Prospects and tasks of sound vision application for diagnostics and visualization of cavitation and turbulent flows in medium and large diameter fittings |
Stanislav Gorobchenko, Dmitriy Kovalev, Maria Taraban, Sergey Meshkov, Iraida Bedenko, and Rustem Sakhapov |
06004 |
Wireless automated environmental monitoring system |
Timur Yumalin, Timur Salikhov, and Alina Gaskarova |
06005 |
Digitalization of process management in the agro-industrial complex |
Vladimir Mavzovin, Nikolay Klevanskiy, Alexander Scherbakov, Talgat Ilyasov, Airat Safin, and Viktoriia Sokolova |
06006 |
Modular enumeration technology - a tool for creation of new algorithms family solving discrete programming problems |
Vitaly O. Groppen |
06007 |
Radar complex for unmanned aerial vehicles |
Eduard Zhdanov, and Alexander Shpak |
06008 |
Algorithm for assessing the promptness of Earth space sensing information delivery |
Sergey Mavrin, and Sergei Golikov |
06009 |
Outlines of digitalization of the clothing industry |
Nuriya Ibragimova, and Vener Kharisov |
06010 |
Analysis and assessment of information security risks for sustainable development of the oil and gas industry |
Mariia Maslovа |
06011 |
Automated skills control of food production specialists using a training system |
Ivan S. Polevshchikov, and Rostislav A. Kravchenko |
06012 |
Formation of land use system in Uzbekistan: past and today |
Aziz Kazakov, Islom Khasanov, Dostonjon Maxmadiyev, Muzaffar Xakberdiyev, and Saidburkhon Akbarkhonov |
06013 |
Improving the assessment of agricultural land reclamation condition using GIS based on the interdependence of the factors impact |
Sunnatilla Goibberdiev, Gulomkhodja Ikromkhodjaev, Ziynatdin Tajekeev, Timur Ismailov, Uzbekkhon Mukhtorov and Ilhomjon Aslanov |
06014 |
Conceptual basis for digitalization of specifications of transport and technological cycles of agricultural UAVs |
Igor Kovalev, Dmitry Kovalev, Komil Astanakulov, Valerya Podoplelova, Dmitry Borovinsky, and Svetlana Efa |
06015 |
Analysis of desertification trends in Central Asia based on MODIS Data using Google Earth Engine |
Ilhomjon Aslanov, Nozimjon Teshaev, Kholmurod Khayitov, Uzbekkhon Mukhtorov, Jamila Khaitbaeva, and Dilrabo Murodova |
06016 |
Field Monitoring Application Based on Video Surveillance: Evaluation of System Performance |
N B. Usmanova, D A. Mirzayev, F A. Ergashev, and D A. Yunusova |