The submission process is online. One can register and submit the paper on the conference website.
General Requirements
For being considered in the journal, an article should be:
Once the paper is published online, further changes and amendments cannot be accepted.
General Ethical Principles
Manuscripts should be written in English. For authors not fluent in English, we recommend having the manuscript carefully read by an English-speaking colleague or a professional editing service before publication.
Manuscripts must be submitted with a full title which appears at the top of the article. The title should reflect the contents of the paper and be specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the subject field (please avoid abbreviation and a title written in capital letters).
The authors should specify in the article their first and last names and relevant addresses (department, university / organization, city, state/province and country). The list of co-authors should remain unchanged after a final decision is made by the Editors.
The abstract should describe the main objective(s) of the study. It should be informative and report the main results and conclusions.
The introduction should provide background that puts the manuscript into context and allows readers outside the field to understand the purpose and significance of the study. It should define the problem addressed and explain why it is important.
Authors who reproduce a figure or a table from another publication should clearly indicate the origin of the article and should also obtain the permission for reproduction from the author(s) and publisher concerned. Each figure and table should be cited in the text. Each figure and table should have a caption. The number of figures is not limited. However, it is important to make sure that all figures are necessary, not redundant, and well designed.
Authors should check the references to ensure they are correct. References should be listed at the end of the manuscript. Comments and notes are usually not allowed in the references; they should be placed as footnotes
All papers will be peer-revied by at least one expert.
The following criteria will be considered by the editors and referees in their evaluation:
→ Is the subject matter within the scope of the journal?
→ Does the paper contain enough original results to warrant publication?
→ Is the paper technically sound and free of errors?
→ Is the work clearly and concisely presented? Is it well organized?
→ Does the title clearly and sufficiently reflect its contents?
→ Is the abstract informative? Are the main results and conclusions mentioned?
→ Are the illustrations of adequate quality, relevant and understandable?
→ Does the bibliography give a clear view of the current state-of-the-art in the domain?
→ Is the quality of the language satisfactory?
Finally, the Organizing Committee will decide what papers will be accepted.
But the final decision is taken by the Publisher.