IX - X International Conference

AGRITECH-IX - 2023 - AGRITECH-X - 2024, AGRITECH-XI-2025: Агротехнологии, экологический инжиниринг и устойчивое развитие

Материалы конференции

XI International Scientific Conference

AGRITECH-XI - 2025: Агротехнологии, экологический инжиниринг и устойчивое развитие

Материалы конференции

О конференции

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XI Международная научная конференция «Современные агротехнологии, экологический инжиниринг и устойчивое развитие» - XI International Conference on Advanced Agritechnologies, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development (AGRITECH-XI - 2024) прошла 29 октября - 2 ноября 2024 годав режиме онлайн в Наманганском инженерно-технологическом институте (Узбекистан).

Организаторы конференции: Международный и Российский Союз научных и инженерных общественных объединений (Москва, Россия), Красноярский краевой Дом науки и техники Российского Союза НИО, Сибирский научный центр ДНИТ и Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (Красноярск, Россия), Поволжский научно-исследовательский институт производства и переработки мясомолочной продукции (Волгоград, Россия), Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет (Уфа, Республика Башкортостан, Россия), Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт (Бухара, Узбекистан), Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт (Наманган, Узбекистан), Ферганский политехнический институт (Фергана, Узбекистан) и Жетысуский университет имени И. Жансугурова (Талдыкорган, Казахстан).

Цель конференции - обмен опытом ведущих специалистов в области инновационных геохимических, геологических, геофизических технологий, цифровизации сельского хозяйства, энергетики, нефтегазового машиностроения, природопользования и агротехнологий, технологии добычи полезных ископаемых и обработки почвы, а также в современных областях исследования биоразнообразия и методов его сохранения для устойчивого развития, влияния производства продуктов питания на окружающую среду и развития устойчивых продовольственных систем; агролесоводства, экологической безопасности, зеленых технологий, актуальных проблем и тенденций развития техносферной безопасности в высокотехнологичных отраслях промышленности.

Материалы конференции опубликованы в E3S Web of Conferences volume 613 7 февраля 2025 года.

Презентации участников

Статьи и доклады участников

Environmental Engineering and Natural Resource Management

01001 Ecological assessment of rain erosion damage using physical modeling methods

            Anastasia Prushchik, Yuliya Rubanik, Elizaveta Doroshenko, and Maria Zaikina

01002 Some methods of greenhouse gas utilization in hydrate form

            Igor Chiglintsev, and Azat Nasyrov

01003 Cigarette butts as a source of urban ecosystem pollution

            Igor N. Lykov

01004 Assessment of environmental conditions in the Southwestern Region of Moscow

            Inna Buzyakova, Andrey Revin, and Evgeni Lyadov

01005 Economic growth and environmental responsibility as the basis of the region circular ecosystem

            Ekaterina Malevskaia-Malevich, and Nadezhda Kvasha

01006 Antioxidant and antiradical activity of Heracleum sosnowskyi inflorescences in the Murmansk region

            Svetlana Kozlova, and Alena Koigerova

01007 The use of calcium peroxide to clean the oil-contaminated soil

            Milyausha Kurbangaleeva

01008 Application of elementary microwave radiation for intensification of heterogeneous catalytic processes

            Maria Luzina, Aydar Minibaev, and Vladimir Ilyin

01009 Conceptual basis for organizing the decommissioning a nuclear power plant based on a reactor unit

            Vladimir Kuznetsov, Valery Spiridonov, Igor Derevyashkin, Tatiana Bukreeva, Ksenia Chebotareva, and Olga Shinkareva

01010 Production of food-grade calcium phosphate utilizing thermal phosphoric acid and lime

            Shahzoda Turdialieva, Shuhrat Nomozov, Shafoat Namazov, Zoxida Ishmanova, Jamshid Kholmurodov, Abdugani Oxundadayev, and Akmal Kamalov


Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production

02001 Ingredient variation effects on cookie marketability

            Anna Kovaleva, Elvira Pyanikova, Oxana Evdokimova, Svetlana Galchenko, and Tatiana Podieelets

02002 Effectiveness of compositions based on thiosulfonates and biosurfactants for plant protection against phytopathogens

         Yuriy Syromyatnikov, Shakhista Ishniyazova, Sergey Voinash,

Alexandra Orekhovskaya, Vladimir Vanzha, and Leisan Akhtyamova

02003 Impact of weed control methods on corn yield and soil fertility conservation

            Jamol Radjabov, Irina Troyanovskaya, Tatiana Dvoryashina, Vladimir Vanzha, and Leisan Akhtyamova

02004 The effect of air temperature on the growth and development of hemp microgreens grown using aeroponics

         Alecsandr Vetchinnikov, Irina Uromova, Irina Novik, Оlga Druzhkova,

Marina Dydykina, and Artyom Zhadaev

02005 Determining the effectiveness of covering conifer seedlings in spring

            Elena Kiseleva, Maxim Rachenko, and Anna Rachenko

02006 Efficacy of biological and chemical protection agents in barley cultivation

            Alexey Lipshin, Natalia Kozulina, Albina Vasilenko, Alexander Bobrovskiy, and Alexander Kryuchkov

02007 Structural challenges and innovative solutions in African agri-food production

         Violetta M. Kuzmina, Marina A. Parkhomchuk, Lyubov A. Chernysheva,

Angelica S. Budnikova, and Sofia Levshakova

02008 Use of melon seed flour in the production of confectionery cake

            Svetlana Mihailova, and Egor Mihailov

02009 Quality indicators of granulated compound feed during storage

            Alexey Chernyshev, Mikhail Kostenko, Nikita Zhbanov, Evgeny Kiryukhin, and Anastasiya Pоsalina

02010 Approbation of the cookie recipe with the addition of ingredients that increase nutritional value

            Elvira Pyanikova, Anna Kovaleva, Oxana Evdokimova, Anna Pavlova, and Ekaterina Pavlova

02011 Recipe development for new confectionery products with the addition of pea flower

            Galina Ivanova, Olga Kolman, Marina Glotova, Ekaterina Nikulina, and Olga Evtukhova

02012 Use of chia seed products in non-ripening soft cheeses

            Alexey Belyaev, Olga Shvets, and Irina Belyaeva


Digital Technologies and Automation in Agriculture

03001 Prospects for the application of intelligent automation in the pulp and paper industry

            Stanislav Gorobchenko, Dmitriy Kovalev, Sergey Voinash, Ramil Zagidullin, Ildar Khafizov, Georgy Parfenopulo, and Sergey Meshkov

03002 Digitalization of agriculture in Africa

         Marina A. Parkhomchuk, Violetta M. Kuzmina, Olga I. Shinkareva,

Ksenia A. Chebotareva, and Angelina A. Zelenina

03003 Modern approaches to image segmentation in agriculture

         Amelia Grace, Igor Kovalev, Dmitry Kovalev, Kirill Lukyanov, and

Dmitry Borovinsky

03004 A new approach to studying professionally important qualities of operator-manipulators based on machine learning

            Igor Petukhov, Luydmila Steshina, Ilya Tanryverdiev, Pavel Kurasov, and Ilya Steshin

03005 Neural network technologies for identifying and ranking monitoring indicator values in agricultural universities

            Igor Kartsan, Aleksandr Zhukov, Victor Gedzyun, and Marina Ozhiganova

03006 Research of ferromagnetic inclusions in biological objects using a developed superminiature edge current converter

         Vladimir Malikov, Semen Kistaev, Vladlen Milkov, Evgeny Zhdanov,

Irina Vornacheva, Rustem Sakhapov, and Adel Yakushev

03007 Valuation of plantations to stabilize livelihoods for highlands of Kon Ha Nung, Gia Lai province based on remote sensing and GIS technology

            Hieu Huu Viet Nguyen, Thach Ngoc Nguyen, Manh Van Pham, Ngoc Thi Dang, Tung Cao Nguyen, Hung Anh Le, Duy Ba Dinh, and Dung Trung Ngo

03008 Food sharing as an innovative approach to reducing food losses

            Gulnara Dzhancharova, Giliyn Fedotova, Irina Larionova, Yuliy Kapustina, and Turmushbek Dzhancharov

03009 Exploring the potential of turmeric in wheat bread production technology

            Alexander Kaluzhskikh, and Sergey Shubkin


Agricultural Mechanization and Engineering

04001 Economic and legal mechanisms for developing innovative production in agricultural engineering enterprises

            Roman Laptev, and Vladimir Kovarda

04002 Shapes of contact curves of squeezing rolls

            Shavkat Khurramov, Farkhod Khalturaev, Feruza Kurbanova, and Abdumajit Saliyev

04003 Technological efficiency of the squeezing process

            Shavkat Khurramov, Farkhod Khalturaev, Feruza Kurbanova, and Akmal Rasulev

04004 Model of skin deformation curve

            Nuriddin Annaev, Abdumajit Saliyev, Akmal Rasulev, and Odil Nazarov

04005 Increasing the efficiency of coagulation of fine particles in cross ultrasonic fields

            Sergey N. Tsyganok, Viktor A. Nesterov, Andrey V. Shalunov, and Vladimir N. Khmelev

04006 Analysis of thermal parameters of the enclosing structure the object of low-rise housing construction

            Anastasia Soboleva, Sergey Dolmatov, Alexandra Orekhovskaya, Dmitry Loparev, Svetlana Lopareva, Venera Yumagulova, and Aidar Nurullin

04007 Study of colorimetric properties of kraft papers

            Ulbosin Eshbaeva, Barno Baltabaeva, Gokhan Zengin, and Arife Candas

04008 Ensuring environmental safety of the filtration, drying, and roasting installation at a mining and metallurgical enterprise

            Nafisa Kulmurodova, Igor Kovalev, Yorkin Kadirov, Zarifjon Kulmurodov, Dmitry Borovinsky, and Dmitry Kovalev

04009 Increasing the energy efficiency of filtering concentrate at a mining enterprise

            Svetlana Starykh, Anton Okorokov, Anton Rastorguev, Maxim Taranenko and Denis Ermolaev

Ecosystem Management and Biodiversity

05001 Territorial planning of the Grayvoronsky urban district

            Tatiana Dvoryashina, Viktoriia Sokolova, Ramil Zagidullin, Adel Yakushev, and Guzel Garipova

05002 Development of agricultural scientific potential to ensure the competitiveness of the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan: gender aspect

            Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva, Kanat Kangalakov, and Nazym Battalov

05003 Experimental studies of temperature-dynamic properties of peat soils in agricultural lands

            Alexey Evgrafov, Artyombek Guzalov, and Dmitry Moskvichev

05004 Installation for sorting chips and particles of coniferous wood materials in an electrostatic field by resin content

            Vladimir Makarov

05005 Distribution of soil moisture on slopes of an agroforestry landscape complex

            Anatoly Tarasov, Igor Podlesnykh, Sergey Tarasov, and Alexander Kaluzhskih

05006 Sensory and nutritional effects of citrus and pineapple enrichment in yogurt production

            Sergey Boev, Vladimir Trubnikov, Sergei Grashkov, and Dmitry Eskov

05007 Risks of failing to achieve white sugar color standards

            Marina Egorova, Luybov Belyaeva, Luybov Puzanova, Irina Mikhaleva, and Alexey Belyaev

05008 Development of technology of obtaining new types of cereals from sorghum grain

            Khusnirabo Ergasheva, Nilufar Khujakulova, Shakhnoza Ismatova, Shabon Yuldasheva, and Maftuna Fattayeva

05009 Experimental studies on the effect of electric field on ammonium nitrogen compounds in livestock wastewater

            Alexey Evgrafov, Dmitry Filimonov, and Natalia Perevozchikova

05010 Study of hydroacoustic signals in aquaculture as a tool to improve fisheries efficiency

            Igor Kartsan, Vitaly Lutsyshen, Alena Nerush, and Nikolai Tuzov

X International Scientific Conference

AGRITECH-X - 2024: Агротехнологии, экологический инжиниринг и устойчивое развитие


О конференции

Сайт конференции

X Международная научная конференция «Современные агротехнологии, экологический инжиниринг и устойчивое развитие» - X International Conference on Advanced Agritechnologies, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development (AGRITECH-X - 2024) прошла 29-30 апреля 2024 года в Термезском инженерно-технологическом институте (Узбекистан).

Организаторы конференции: Международный и Российский Союз научных и инженерных общественных объединений (Москва, Россия), Красноярский краевой Дом науки и техники Российского Союза НИО, Сибирский научный центр ДНИТ и Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (Красноярск, Россия), Поволжский научно-исследовательский институт производства и переработки мясомолочной продукции (Волгоград, Россия), Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет (Уфа, Республика Башкортостан, Россия), Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт (Бухара, Узбекистан), Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт (Наманган, Узбекистан), Ферганский политехнический институт (Фергана, Узбекистан) и Жетысуский университет имени И. Жансугурова (Талдыкорган, Казахстан).

Цель конференции - обмен опытом ведущих специалистов в области инновационных геохимических, геологических, геофизических технологий, цифровизации сельского хозяйства, энергетики, нефтегазового машиностроения, природопользования и агротехнологий, технологии добычи полезных ископаемых и обработки почвы, а также в современных областях исследования биоразнообразия и методов его сохранения для устойчивого развития, влияния производства продуктов питания на окружающую среду и развития устойчивых продовольственных систем; агролесоводства, экологической безопасности, зеленых технологий, актуальных проблем и тенденций развития техносферной безопасности в высокотехнологичных отраслях промышленности.


Материалы конференции опубликованы в E3S Web of Conferences volume 548

Статьи и доклады участников

Agritechnologies and Agritech Engineering for Sustainable Environmental Health


Experimental study of the igbing properties of hydratic formation of sodium salt solutions


Ilyas K. Gimaltdinov, Maxim V. Stolpovskij, Airat F. Shayakhmetov,

Ekaterina Yu. Kochanova, and Aydar R. Gaysin


Geoecological problems of agricultural environmental management in conditions of climatic fluctuations within the Voronezh forest-steppe


Lidia Mezhova, Alexander Lugovskoy, Pavel Chertkov, Viktor Inpushkin, and Oksana Kuvshinova


Assessment of the impact of agriculture on the regional socio-economic development


F. S. Xolmurotov, Xolilla S. Xolmuratov, and Yulduz R. Yakubova


Scientific research of urban-planning traditions of the medieval Bukhara


Khoshim Ruziyev, and Khamza Bobomurotov


Some current highlights of banana, avocado and mango wastes utilization: a brief overview


Vanya Zhivkova


ESG business transformation as a way to mitigate corporate risks


Irina Blagova, Tatiana Romanishina, Alice Bobovnikova, Ivan Kushelev, and Yuliya Myagkova


Quince and cabbage wastes valorization: some recent options


Vanya Zhivkova


Agroecological peculiarities of technogenic pollution of soils and vegetation in the impact zone of Lebedinsky mining and processing enterprise


Natalia Derkach, Tatiana Levina, Olga Solodukhina, Anton Okorokov, and Anton Rastorguev


Techniques for increasing potato productivity


Tatiana Zinkovskaya, Natalia Fomicheva, and Galina Rabinovich


The content of soil humus when using organic and mineral fertilizers


Natalia Kloster, Vladimir Azarov, and Viktoria Lotkova


Application of green technologies in modern agriculture


Sergey Kievtsov


Technology for obtaining high-quality fuel briquette based on petroleum and vegetable oil residues


Bahodir Tursunov, Bobir Adizov, and Malika Tursunova


The erosion control role of linear boundaries on a slope


Anastasia Prushchik, Vladimir Vytovtov, Yulija Rubanik, and Sergey Boev


Environment-forming and stabilizing role of the soil-protective agroforestry landscape complex on slopes


Anatoly Tarasov, Alexey Pykhtin, Igor Podlesnykh, and Sergey Tarasov


Changes in the biological activity of typical chernozem under different pea cultivation technologies


Elena Dubovik, Dmitry Dubovik, Aleksander Morozov, Aleksander Shumakov, and Tatyana Novikova


Improving haylage harvesting at enterprises


Marina Chaplygina, Natalya Dolgopolova, Ekaterina Malysheva, and Galina Polskaya


Combined effects of deltamethrin and T-2 toxin on animals during the use of bentonite


Vladislav Egorov, Lenar Valiullin, Ivan Raginov, Leonid Alekseyko,

Sergey Klimovich, Igor Pamirsky, Alexander Zakharenko, İlya Yampolsky, and Kirill Golokhvast


Ecological assessment of bottom sediments for conditions of an agro-industrial region with high anthropogenic load


Fedor Lisetskii, Michael Kitov, Anna Spesivtseva, and Olga Marinina


Optimization of technological cultivation methods as a key to enhancing soybean productivity in the Kursk Region


Galina Deriglazova, and Zhanna Minchenko


Assessment of the impact of agricultural technologies on the fertility, health and stability of chernozem


Nina Masyutenko, Andrey Gostev, Natalia Chuyan, Alexey Kuznetsov, Maxim Masyutenko, Galina Breskina, and Alexey Belyaev


Comparative research of bounding box based and image segmentation based neural network models for individual cattle identification


Denis Shilin, Ivan Shubin, and Dmitry Shestov


Reducing the energy costs of drilling rigs based on the beneficial utilization of secondary drive energy resources


Anvar Asanov, and Rustam Djurayev


Ecological selection of winter wheat as a measure of adaptation to climate change


Anna Emelyanova, and Elena Logvinova


Spatiotemporal dynamics of spring soil moisture reserves in a slope agricultural landscape


Oleg Chuyan, Gennady Glazunov, Nina Afonchenko, Lyudmila Karaulova, Olga Mitrokhina, Alipiy Zolotukhin, and Alexander Kaluzhskih


Improving the operation process of a vane type vacuum pump for milking machines


Andrey Globin, Andrey Nesmiyan, Ivan Krasnov, Alexander Scherbakov,

Vladimir Vanzha, and Leisan Akhtyamova


Minimizing the impact of long-lasting herbicides on the functioning of crop rotations


Ivan Gureev, Andrey Gostev, Svetlana Khlupina, Vyacheslav Lukyanov, and Ivan Pruschik


Influence of oligomeric surfactants on the strength of hard rock formations: experimental Insights and implications


Shokirjon Sh. Sunnatulloev, Shukurullo U. Buriev, Lazizjon O. Sharipov, and Abdunor B. Zhiyanov


Assessment of the impact of applying mineral fertilizers on the results of grain farming


Alexey Golovin, Artyom Golovin, Lyubov Chernyshevа, and Anna Filippova


Manufacturing of balanced inter-saw spacers


Davlat Mukhammadiev, Farhod Ibragimov, Ortiq Abzoirov, Nizomiddin Jumaev, and Lola Zhamolova


Determination of the critical rotation speed of the saw cylinder of a linting machine


Davlat Mukhammadiev, Farhod Ibragimov, Ortiq Abzoirov, Khamidulla Akhmedov, and Lola Zhamolova


Experimental study of the efficiency of heat and mass transfer during ultrasonic drying of textile materials


Vladimir Khmelev, Andrey Shalunov, Ivan Manyakhin, Sergey Terentiev, and Viktor Nesterov


Influence of ultrasonic vibrations on the temperature of the dried material


Vladimir Khmelev, Andrey Shalunov, Sergey Terentiev, Viktor Nesterov,

Ivan Manyakhin, and Natalya Titova


Use of sources of resistance to smut in the breeding of spring barley


Nadezhda Neshumaeva, Aleksandr Sidorov, and Denis Fedosenko


Ways to increase the efficiency of growing products in greenhouses


Sharofiddin B. Yusupov, Suhrob E. Qurbonazarov, Zinatdin J. Saymbetov, and Rinat K. Kenesbayev


Influence of protein feeding when growing carp in ecological conditions


Tatiana Khoroshailo, Sergey Svistunov, Alexey Kozubov, and Nina Bondarenko



Innovative Development of Sustainable Systems of Agrarian-and-Food Production


Methodology for assessing the loss of agricultural products in conditions of ensuring food security


Uchkun Z. Alimov, Madina Kh. Saidova, and Umirzoq E. Kholiyorov


Intelligent vineyard monitoring using YOLOv7


Pavel Kuznetsov, Dmitry Voronin, and Dmitriy Kotelnikov


Evaluation of the yield of wrinkled rosehip (Rosa rugosa Thunb.) in conditions of the south of Primorsky krai


Valentina Ostroshenko, Lyudmila Ostroshenko, and Elena Bikineeva


Biosorption of zinc and copper ions by immobilized yeast under aerobic and anaerobic conditions


Roman Garanin, and Igor Lykov


Prospects for obtaining new primocane-fruiting raspberry varieties in the Southern Cisbaikalia


Maxim Rachenko, Elena Kiseleva, and Anna Rachenko


Amino acid status and nitrogen forms of rumen contents in vitro when phytogenic components are added to the reaction medium


Kseniya Atlanderova, Daniil Shoshin, and Kirill Kazaev


New reciples for shortening fats and studying their basic technological characteristics


Nargiza Sabirova, Kahramon Majidov, Bakhtiyor Shodiev, and Feruz Ashurov


Food security of sustainable development of rural territories


Olga Yukovleva, Ayuna Fedotova, Natalia Verezubova, Nikolay Ershov,

Bayrta Shaposhnikova, and Gilyan Fedotova


Heat treatment of crushed oil seeds sunflower before pressing


Karim Gafurov, Dilshoda Safarova, Lola Akabirova, Nodirjon Sharipov,

Firuza Kuldosheva, and Munira Yamaletdinova


Study of the coefficient of friction caused by the seed cotton flow action in pneumatic polyethylene pipes


Gulnorakhon Kadirova, and Gulnara Ismailova


A systematic approach to the production of functional food products using medicinal plant raw materials


Oxana Evdokimova, Nikita Evdokimov, Tamara Ivanova, Elvira Pyanikova, and Anna Kovaleva


Research of the stability of low-calorie mayonnaises and development of their formulation


Nargiza Majidova, Dilmurod Bozorov, Kakhramon Rakhmonov, and Parvina Akramova


Technology for production of purpose-fat mixtures using flax seeds


Nafisa Djureyeva, Kakhramon Rakhmonov, Ismoil Isabayev, Lolita Khaydar-Zade, and Anvar Xudaykulov


The effectiveness of a feed additive with galloisite in rat mycotoxicosis


Evgenya Tarasova, Lilia Matrosova, Gleb Kashevarov, Svetlana Tanaseva, Olga Ermolaeva, Anastasia Sofronova, Nailya Mishina, Lenar Valiullin, Rishat Mukhammadiev, and Eduard Semenov


Development of a semi-finished biscuit recipe for vegans


Elvira Pyanikova, Anna Kovaleva, Oxana Evdokimova, and Anastasia Ryazantseva


Marmalade with the use of plant materials for diabetic nutrition


Svetlana Mikhailova, and Egor Mikhailov


Aberdeen Angus beef quality and profitability in dependence of the genotypes


Elena Konovalova, Olga Romanenkova, Liliia Evstafeva, Stanislava Safonova, Marina Selionova, and Elena Gladyr


The use of non-traditional types of flour in the production of gluten-free butter cookies


Alexey Belyaev, Olga Shvets, and Irina Belyaeva


The optimal way to add a mixture of vegetable powders to a yogurt recipe based on goat's milk


Maria Zaikina, Alexander Zaikin, and Svetlana Galchenko


Mathematical modeling of the extraction process of oil-containing raw materials


Karim Gafurov, Jura Jumayev, Dilshoda Safarova, and Maftunabonu Shamsiddinova


Sustainable approaches to the formation of regional livestock clusters


Mikhail Novikov, Olga Liseikina, Daniil Derevyagin, Akbota Yertay,

Abdurakhman Churaev, and Daulet Doshanov


Innovative methods of processing liquid food media


Zulfiya Ergasheva, Shakhnoza Xalmuhamedova, Shakhnoza Sultanova, and Jasur Safarov


Smart farm development for sustainable dairy farming in the Republic of Uzbekistan


Zulkhumor Akhmedova, Ziyodullo Shodiev, and Zarnigor Djalilova


The prospects of using hawthorn fruits for the production of biologically active food additives and food products based on them


Tatiana Lazareva, Nikita Murlenkov, Natalya Berezina, Olga Kireeva,

Marina Yarkina, Vladimir Kryukov, Elena Kuznetsova, Nikita Evdokimov, and Elena Kuznetsova


Food system of sugar production: structure and characteristics


Marina Egorova, Luybov Belyaeva, Luybov Puzanova, and Maria Zaikina


Study of the influence of wheat germ flour and egg albumin on bread quality indicators


Sergey Boev, and Vladimir Trubnikov


Using a mixture of almond and chickpea flour in wheat bread production technology


Alexander Kaluzhskikh, Margarita Asadova, Ekaterina Veretennikova, Marina Kotelnikovа, and Daria Chentsova



Information Technologies, Automation Engineering and Digitization of Agriculture


Direct method of transpiration control in plant production processes


Alexander Grishin, Andrey Grishin, Vladimir Grishin, and Elena Pavlova


Development of econometric models to forecast indicators of the livestock industry


Ekaterina Kasatkina, Daiana Vavilova, and Rinat Faizullin


Intelligence of equipment and control systems at pulp and paper industry enterprises


Stanislav Gorobchenko, Dmitriy Kovalev, Sergey Voinash, Ramil Zagidullin, Ildar Khafizov, Taisiya Garbuzova, and Svetlana Alekseeva


Methods of increasing the physical and mechanical strength of the working surface of rolling rolls


Alexey Chernyshev, Natalia Razumkina, Nikolay Tatarnikov, Alexander Parshin, and Igor Shatov


Thermal radiator sensor


Khudoyor Urinov, Khakberdi Jumanov, Khotam Mirzokulov, Abduvali Xidirov, Adham Amonov, Mirzo Sharipov, and Jamshid Urinov


MPI task mapping for multi-cluster HPC systems


A A. Paznikov, and M G. Kurnosov


Decentralized lock-free distributed queue in MPI remote memory access model


Alexey A. Paznikov, Alexander V. Burachenko, and Mohamed M. Abuelsoud


Method of user identification based on dynamic characteristics of mobile device hardware


A A. Salomatin


Methology of experimental research of voltage quality in electrical circuit


Gayrat Boynazarov, Akram Tovbaev, and Uktam Usarov


New opportunities for studying digital information transmission technologies using Cisco equipment


L. V. Prosviryakova, K A. Osipov, and A A. Dmitriev


Algorithms and 3D visualization tools to bring geometric data to life, facilitating immersive experiences and interactive storytelling


Dildora Sabirova, Mirzayor Inoyatov, Kamola Aripova, and Dildora Alimova 


Analysis of the process of balanced charging of the battery group with high capacity


Khasan Murodov, Askarbek Karshibayev, and Shukhrat Abdullayev


Research of technology for tranesterification of oils and fats on efficient catalysts


Аzim Oltiev, Nargiza Majidova, Kakhramon Majidov, and Kuvondik Maxmudov


Testing of heat-treated surfaced samples and machine parts for hardness and wear resistance


Bakhodir Tilabov, Akbarjon Jumaev, Jamshid Sherbutaev, Ulugbek Normurodov, and Giyosiddin Salimov


Study of coulometric method of gas analysis for analytical control and monitoring of harmful components in the air environment


Nodirbek Yusupbekov, Shukhrat Gulyamov, Ulugbek Mukhamedkhanov,

Barno Eshmatova, and Elena Bandenok


Developing information security competencies of applied informatics students of agrarian universities


Natalia Titovskaia, Sergei Titovskii, Tatyana Pushkareva, and Tatyana Titovskaya


ESG financing instruments in the context of sustainable development of regional infrastructure


Daria Chernykh, Irina Ezangina, Anna Khryseva, Margarita Kozhukhova, and Olga Vorotilova


Importance of technological properties of Jerusalem artichoke


Nusratilla Barakayev, Yusuf Beshimov, and Murodjon Beshimov


Research of the rotation frequency of the working parts of an auger cleaner


Khayriddin Rakhmonov, and Jumagul Matyakubova


Theoretical research of the improved condenser device used in technology of lint separation


Sherkul Khakimov, Sayyor Sayfullayev, Furkat Ismoyilov, Hamidulla Tursunov, and Akbar Abrorov


Analysis of transport and its cargo processes


Nurillo Ikromov, Sherali Temirov, Isroiljon Kuchkorov, Vokhidjon Juraev, and Javoxirbek Xalimov


GERT method and simulation modeling for probabilistic resource analysis in agricultural processes


Mariya Ikonnikova, Igor Kovalev, Dmitriy Kovalev, and Nozima Djumaeva


Computer vision methods and algorithms for automatic detection and classification of objects in decision support systems in agriculture


Alena Yablokova, Igor Kovalev, Dmitry Kovalev, Valeria Podoplelova, and Aziza Kobilova


Integration aspect in the use of digital technologies for the sustainable development of the timber industry complex of Uzbekistan


Sanjar Jurakulov, Rano Kasimova, and Dildor Eshmuratova


Information modeling of agricultural water supply and sanitation facilities


Stanislav Alekseev and Tatyana Alekseeva


Cost formation of the digital information model of agricultural objects


Tatyana Alekseeva and Stanislav Alekseev


Application of geographic information systems in monitoring the fertility of agricultural lands


Roman Khizhnyak, Ilya Kostin, and Elena Malysheva



Green Technologies, Climate Change and Environmental Safety and Pollution


Hardware realization of collision avoidance method in VLF-LF frequency bands in mine conditions


Timur V. Krasnov, Viacheslav V. Romanov, and Ekaterina А. Kohonkova


Features of the examination of project documentation for ensuring fire safety of oil industry facilities


Nazar Mukhametzyanov, Aleksey Rubtsov, and Zinur Mukhametzyanov


On the issue of charging traction batteries for mainline road transport


Grigory Nesterenko, Irina Nesterenko, Vera Khudiakova, Alexandra Orekhovskaya, Vladimir Zyryanov, Ramil Zagidullin, and Alexandr Andronov


Analysis of the thermal power hydraulic system in undisturbed state


Svetlana Anatolyevna Sazonova, Eduard Anatolyevich Chernikov, and

Tamara Nikanorovna Storodubtseva


Determination of the angle and speed of interaction of cotton seed rush with the multifaceted screen drum of the separator


Dadakhon Juraev, Anvar Djurayev, Shakhzod Umarov, Juragul Manglieva, Nasriddin Obitov, and Zokhida Eshbaeva


Environmental risks in the application of hydraulic fracturing technology in the oil industry


Marina Ignatovа, Аnna Chunikhina, Violetta Kuzminа, and Sofia Levshakovа


Obtaining sorbents based on bentonite and wastewater treatment of hydrometallurgical plants


Kakhramon Husenov, Togaymurot Aliev, Norbek Allayorov, Maftuna Ibragimova, Zokir Karimov, and Zamira Abdiramanova


Mathematical model and analysis of the dynamics of a system of the screw-cutting lathe


Nodir Urinov


Development of a mathematical model for analyzing the perturbed state of a thermal power hydraulic system


Svetlana Sazonova, Irina Shcherbakova, Nadezhda Akamsina, Nikolai Mozgovoy, and Olga Sokolova


Virtual simulation of the heat exchanging process of a lithium-ion battery in a vehicle


Sergey Gaslov, Maxim Rublev, and Stanislav Kopytov


Managing greenhouse gas emissions using a neural network from gas generating plants


Ekaterina Kulakova, and Elena Muravyova


Socio-economic potential of the territory as a factor in the development of organic agriculture


Kirill Yu. Maksimovich, Alexander E. Lisitsin, Vitaly V. Aleschenko,

Adel M. Yakushev, and Adelya M. Sayfutdinova


Investigation of the process of the influence of winding spindles with cotton fiber on the performance of a cotton picker


Ubaydulla Abduvaliev, Akbarjon Jumaev, Rakhimberdi Nurullaev, Shokhrukh Jakhonov, and Ikhtiyor Jurakulov


Production of yoghurts by incorporating stevia powder as a functional ingredient


Dilrabo Maksumova, Kamola Tairova, Shaxzoda Shosalimova, Rano Akramova, and Mohamed Rifky


A comparative investigation of the structure and properties of nanofibers based on Bombyx mori chitosan and Artemia sp.cysts chitosan


Nurbek Ashurov, Svetlana Yugay, Khumoyunmirzo Gulomjonov,

Sirojiddin Shakhabutdinov, Abdumutolib Atakhanov, Gulnara Akhimbetova, and Sayyora Rashidova


Physico-chemical and physical-mechanical exposure of cotton seeds


Botir Usmanov, Nafisa Kadirova, Muborak Hamrakulova, and Barno Sattarova


Green technologies of AIC waste recycling


Turmushbek Dzhancharov, Ayuna Fedotova, Irina Larionova, Irina Ershova, and Tsitsige


The G-pel method for determining the degree of greening of the area using the city of Penza as an example


Oleg Fedoseev, Ludmila Khurnova, Olga Krinochkina, and Dinya Mamina


Efficiency of new growth regulators in growing daikon


Maria Bocharova, Marina Dyikanova, and Miсhael Vorobyev


Dynamics of the Lower Volga region agricultural landscapes under the influence of climate change


Radislava Reshetnikova, and Natalia Kovaleva


Innovation to ensure sustainable development in the coal industry


Maksim Zotov


Modeling approaches for reducing the carbon footprint of forest industry enterprises


Sergey Medvedev, Maria Yakusheva, and Mikhail Zyryanov



Chemical, Ecological, Oil-and-Gas Engineering and Natural Resources


Influence of the microstructure of Mg-Ca magnesium alloy with TiO2/ZrO2 nano-oxide ALD coating on the functional properties


Vladimir Semenov, Sergey Сhertovskikh, and Hsin Lin


Features of silicon saturation of austenite pipe steel samples with different operating time


Nikita V. Lemeshko, Aleksey V. Rubtsov, Jamshed N. Shermatov, Sergei V. Chertovskikh, and Ruslan M. Tazetdinov


Optimization of parameters of boom lifting mechanism of equipment for repair and development of oil and gas wells


Ilia Karnaukhov, Alexandr Lunev, Vera Ionova, Konstantin Troyakov, and Aleksey Ivanov


Numerical solution of differential games with electric potential distributions in some domain


Mashrabjon Mamatov, and Nodir Ibragimov


Ways to prevent ferroresonance phenomena in a network with an isolated neutral


Ilyas R. Dyukin


Solubility of components in the system MgSO4-HNO3∙NH(C2H4OH)2 - H2O


Akmaljon Mirzaolimov, Shokhida Khamdamova, Dilmurod Ergashev,

Ilxomjon Turdiboyev, Rano Abdrakhimova, and Ergashali Tojiyev


Study of the structure and physical-chemical properties of polystyrene compositions filled with secondary kaolin


Dilnavoz Kamalova, Yulduz Mardanova, and Mokhinur Kuvvatova


Receipt of new catalysts used in the synthesis of acetaldehyde by separating the catalyst CCP into component parts


Nigina Ruzikulova, Khusnitdin Vapoev, Odina Turdieva, and Sardor Kodirov


Oil and gas engineering in the activities of PJSC LUKOIL


Elena Sentishcheva, Marina Parchomchuk, Violetta Kuzmina, and Angelina Zelenina


Preparation of lime-sulphur containing ammonium nitrate


Nargisa Takhirova


Development and properties study of a composition of polypropylene with polyethylene terephthalate


Bakhodir Mukhiddinov, Lola Tilavova, San’at Sharipov, and Dilshod Akhtamov


Land resources of the Republic of Tyva and their rational use


Anna Sambuu, Albert Dapyldye, Maadyr Nazhik, and Orlan Ondar


Technological schemes of blasting operations for ensuring stability of Amantaytau quarry slopes


Abdunor Jiyanov, Shukurulla Buriyev, and Shokirjon Sunnatulloev


Analysis of the physical-mechanical properties of t-shirt fabric with different fiber composition


Kodir Muminov, Sanovar Khamrayeva, and Laziz Toshpulotov


Analysis of yarn structure and equipment for determining yarn properties


Dilfuza Giyasova, Sanovar Khamrayeva, and Shamsiya Shumkarova


Integrated utilization of secondary wood resources: a case study of sawmill waste


Mikhail Zyryanov, and Sergey Medvedev



Agricultural Mechanization, Civil Engineering and Energetics


Method of design of heroic transmission


Vyacheslav V. Abramov, Vyacheslav V. Rybin, Konstantin V. Troyakov, Artem A. Kardash, and Alexey Yu. Ivanov


Selection of optimal parameters boom lifting mechanism


Artem A. Kardash, Vyacheslav V. Rybin, Vladimir V. Babin, Yuri E. Serebrennikov, and Maxim Yu. Romanenko


Stationary installation for studying the combustion process of methane fuel in an engine


Danir Shamsutdinov, Artur Sadriev, Olga Ivanova, Malik Nizamutdinov,

Andrei Negovora, and Sergey Kinev


Justification of the choice of wall material for low-rise construction


Sergey Dolmatov, Anastasia Soboleva, Sergey Voinash, Viktoriia Sokolova, Alexandra Orekhovskaya, Yuliya Balabanova, and Albina Gaiduk


The car paintwork defects contactless control system mathematical model


Anton Kozlov, Ludmila Ugarova, Vadim Gulyaev, and Nikolay Loginov


Renewable and alternative energy sources, green energy in the aspect of socio-economic factors of labor market regulation in modern conditions and environmental greening


Svetlana Starykh, and Evgeny Masalov


Mathematical model of the running system of combine harvesters


Svetlana Partko, Andrey Sirotenko, Viktoriia Sokolova, and Venera Yumagulova


Principles of protection against single phase earth faults in networks with capacitive current compensation


Nodir Ataullayev, Asliddin Norqulov, Bobur Muxammadov, Axror Majidov, and Islom Togayev


Investigation of the installation for the preparation of mixtures in the vane pump mode


Pavel Solonshickov, Irina Tolstoukhova, and Artem Shevchenko


Preparation of liquid feed mixtures with continuous introduction of components


Pavel Solonshickov, Irina Tolstoukhova, and Artem Shevchenko


Machine learning and AI in graphics development


Husan Umarov, Vasila Mirzaraimova, Muyassar Yakubova, and Ravshanbek Tashpulatov


Realisation of energy saving potential at mining enterprises on the basis of optimal intramill filling


Svetlana Starykh, Irina Minakova, Natalia Derkach, Maksim Taranenko, and Denis Ermolaev


Investigation of the methods of starting and braking in the “Frequency converter asynchronous motor” system


Ziyodullo Eshmurodov, and Shukhrat Abdullaev


Mathematical description of the interaction process in a roll module


Shavkat Khurramov, Sarvar Nurmanov, Shonazar Imamnazarov, and Shakhriyor Sattorov


Stress distributions along the roll contact arc


Sarvar Nurmanov, Shonazar Imamnazarov, and Shakhriyor Sattorov


Pressure calculation in a roller pair


Nuriddin Annaev, Odil Nazarov, and Sarvar Tashpulatov


Contact friction in roller mechanisms


Shavkat Khurramov, Shukhrat Hurramov, and Akmal Sultonov


Modeling contact stresses in roller mechanisms


Alisher Toshkhujaev, Adkham Sadykov, Dilshod Umarov, and

Abdisalam Abdukarimov


Grain movement between the cylinders of a semi-automatic rotary dryer during heating


Vladimir Nikolaev, Irina Troyanovskaya, Vladimir Vanzha, Leisan Akhtyamova, and Maryam Mirzoeva



Biodiversity, Agroforestry and Ecosystem Stability for Sustaining the Natural Area


Study of natural oscillations to ensure seismic resistance of underground structures


Kamiljan Abidov, Olima Saliyeva, and Bakhtiyor Ergashev


The diameter structure of forests disturbed by the four-eyed fir bark beetle (Polygraph Proximus Blandford)


Andrey Vais, Valentina Popova, Alina Andronova, Pavel Mikhaylov, Victor Nemich, and Artem Nepovinnykh


Promising collection samples of hops as a basis for breeding work


Inga Ivanova, Dmitriy Dementiev, and Julia Osipova


The bioclimatic potential of the Crimea


Elena Ergina, Virtor Smirnov, Maxsim Novizky, Anna Novizkya, and

Aleksandr Snegur


Oak forests in reserves of the Far East


Valentina Ostroshenko


Methodology for assessing the dynamic properties of transmissions forestry machines with a bar working body


Sai-Suu Saaya, Sergey Orlovskiy, Sergey Dolmatov, Sergey Ariko,

Svetlana Alekseeva, Rustem Sakhapov, and Stanislav Akhmetshin


Selection of reference genes for quantitative gene expression analyses in pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) using real-time quantitative PCR


Polina A. Zybinskaya, and Anna V. Tretyakova


Search for motifs, associated with response to abscisic acid in promoters of genes of Quercus robur and Populus trichocarpa plants


Vsevolod Malov, and Ludmila Derevshchikova


Condition and structure of meadow vegetation in the floodplain area of the Bolshoi Kinel River


Natalia Ermakova, Yulia Stepanova, Elena Nechaeva, Oleg Goryanin, and Irina Volodina


Spatial and ecological structure of the sockeye salmon population Oncorhynchus nerka of Kuril Lake


Anastasia Khrustaleva



Environmental Engineering, Mining and Soil Treatment Technology


Metrological reliability of primary transducers taking into account element stability and accuracy


Anvar Raxmonov, Shodlik Masharipov, Sarvar Rakhmatullaev, and Aziza Miraliyeva


Of the quality of the results of the state assessment of soil and landscape objects


Alexander V. Musyal, Dmitry I. Zhilyakov, Natalia V. Dolgopolova, Ekaterina V. Malysheva, and Tatyana M. Novikova


Study of the possibility of reducing diesel exhaust gas smoke engine bio additives into fuel


Akbarjon Normurodov, Vladimir Markov, Zayniddin Oripov, and Bobirjon Tukhtaev


Substantiation of the optimal angle of intersection of the milling cutting strip determining losses and dilution


Umidjon Yermekbayev, Dilnoza Tuychiyeva, and Otabek Giyazov


Increasing the efficiency of a mining and processing enterprise based on an automated system for monitoring the lower position of the crushing cone


Maksim Taranenko, Denis Ermolaev, Irina Minakova, Tatiana Bukreeva, and

Marina Parkhomchuk


Purification of model solutions from copper(2+) ions with aqueous extracts from hydrolysates of protein-containing keratin


Togaymurot Aliev, Feruza Raximova, Kakhramon Husenov, Zokir Karimov, Dilshod Akhtamov, and Ozoda Bakhranova


Radiation assessment of the loparite ore enrichment tailings from the Umbozero mine


Eugenia Krasavtseva, Petr Ikkonen, and Vasilii Semushin


Investigation of the biodegradation of polyvinyl chloride using modified rice starch


Hayot Istamov, Bakhodir Mukhiddinov, Furqat Toshtemirov, and Lola Tilavova


Modeling the concentration profile of the solid phase during hydrotransport of ore in pipes


Andrey Pankov, and Oksana Pankova


Analysis of physical and morphological parameters of silk fibers in the aesthetic properties of silk fabrics


Zebo Tukhtaeva, and Parvina Abulova


Engineering-geological conditions and interactions of technogenic processes with the environment


Karamatdin Djaksimuratov, Mirabbos Zakirov, Inabat Agzamova,

Dilshod Begimkulov, Golibjon Ochilov, Azima Akimova, and Guljaxan Jumabaeva


Substantiation of the transverse and longitudinal distance of the disk skim-coulter


Abdukаyum Normirzaev, Mirzokhid Tukhtabayev, Islambay Ruziev, and

Islam Atakhanov


The influence of the transverse and longitudinal distance of disk skim-coulter on performance of the plough


Abdukаyum Normirzaev, Mirzokhid Tukhtabayev, Islambay Ruziev, and

Ilkhom Ruzmetov


Comparative study of yield of winter wheat varieties


Sotvoldi Tursunov, Dilmurod Turakulov, Rustam Xojiyev, Nazokat Sayfullayeva, and Mansur Bayramov


Study of technological parameters of ion exchange resins and technology of recultivation of off-balance uranium-containing dumps


Kuvandik Sanakulov, Ulugbek Sharafutdinov, Ibodulla Razhabboev, Rustam Khamidov, and Madina Khamidova


Study of the protective properties of special clothing fabrics under the influence of crude oil


Mukhabbat Chorieva, Fazliddin Kurbanov, Sitora Asadova, Zarina Asadova, and Feruza Sultanova


Disc rotary plough for agriculture mechanization


Shuxrat Ishmuradov, and Ramzjon Hamroev


Aftereffects of environmental engineering of the 20th century in the forest-steppe zone of the Tambov Plain


Ivan Kovalev, and Natalia Kovaleva


Methods of increasing the efficiency of dust-laden air cleaning from the aspiration system of the uhk cleaning unit


Abdulkhakim Usanov, and Ergash Shomirzaev


The prospects of using various wooden pipes in the processes of substance exchange


Nigora Naziralieva, Yulduz Ikromova, Anvar Khamdamov, and Absalom Khudaiberdiev


Green biotechnologies in the trend of scenario development of the agro-industrial complex


Gilyan Fedotova, Irina Larionova, Yuliy Kapustina, Irina Ershova, Baatr Bolaev, and Gulnara Dzhancharovа


Study of the effect of substrates on the ornamental traits of crops used in vertical gardening


Elena Kozlova, Elena Orlova, Inna Zubik, Sergey Makarov, and Anton Chudetsky


Studies of methane inflow from longwall floor into the mine atmosphere


Alexander Kobylkin, Sergey Kubrin, Dmitry Meshcheryakov, Evgeny Pozdeev, and Iosif Zakorshmennyi


Assessment of contour deformations of reused mine workings


Iosif Zakorshmenniy, Igor Kharitonov, Nikita Yagel, Anastasia Svishcheva, and Yury Maksimenko


Weediness of agrocenoses in grain-fallow crop rotation depending on agrotechnological methods


Alexey Shabalkin, Victor Vorontsov, and Yuri Skorochkin



IX International Scientific Conference



О конференции

Сайт конференции

IX Международная научная конференция «Современные агротехнологии, экологический инжиниринг и устойчивое развитие» - IX International Conference on Advanced Agritechnologies, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development (AGRITECH-IX - 2023) проводится 6 ноября 2023 года в Наманганском инженерно-технологическом институте (Узбекистан).

Организаторы конференции: Международный и Российский Союз научных и инженерных общественных объединений (Москва, Россия), Красноярский краевой Дом науки и техники Российского Союза НИО, Сибирский научный центр ДНИТ и Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (Красноярск, Россия), Поволжский научно-исследовательский институт производства и переработки мясомолочной продукции (Волгоград, Россия), Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет (Уфа, Республика Башкортостан, Россия), Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт (Бухара, Узбекистан), Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт (Наманган, Узбекистан), Ферганский политехнический институт (Фергана, Узбекистан) и Жетысуский университет имени И. Жансугурова (Талдыкорган, Казахстан).

К участию приглашаются ученые и специалисты российских и зарубежных вузов, академических институтов, предприятий, проектных и исследовательских центров.

Цель конференции - обмен опытом ведущих специалистов в области инновационных геохимических, геологических, геофизических технологий, цифровизации сельского хозяйства, энергетики, нефтегазового машиностроения, природопользования и агротехнологий, технологии добычи полезных ископаемых и обработки почвы, а также в современных областях исследования биоразнообразия и методов его сохранения для устойчивого развития, влияния производства продуктов питания на окружающую среду и развития устойчивых продовольственных систем; агролесоводства, экологической безопасности, зеленых технологий, актуальных проблем и тенденций развития техносферной безопасности в высокотехнологичных отраслях промышленности.


Материалы конференции опубликованы в E3S Web of Conferences (Volume 486), проиндексирован в Scopus

Очная научная сессия

Очная и онлайн научная сессия IX Международной конференции «AGRITECH-IX 2023: Агротехнологии, экологический инжиниринг и устойчивое развитие» - «Advanced Agritechnologies, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development» пройдет в Наманганском инженерно-технологическом институте, г. Наманган, Узбекистан 6 ноября 2023 года c 08.00 Московского времени.

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Презентации участников

Статьи и доклады участников

Trasnport Systems for the Sustainable Development of Territories


Development of service infrastructure for private motor boats in the northern regions


Svetlana Shvetsova


Transport connectivity of the organic production zone at the regional level


Vitaly Aleschenko, Olga Aleschenko, Kirill Maksimovich, and Yuri Petrov


Transport as a key factor in developing Russian-Chinese border regions


Antonina Kulapova


Improving the technological process of dismantling rail and sleeper grids through the use of a removable catcher


Evgeny V. Nepomnyashchikh, Konstantin A. Kirpichnikov, Galina S. Komisarchuk, and Sophia A. Efimova


Analysis of optimization of labor protection measures aimed at improving workplace



Azimjon J. Kurbonov, Nazokat J. Saidxonova, Sohib T. Oblakulov, Kamila A. Djumakulova, and Navbahor N. Nazarova


Design solutions for construction of auto-electric refueling stations in the conditions of rocky soils


Roman R. Zhuravlev, Artem S. Subbotin, Egor V. Galkin, and Polina E. Chernikova


The influence of the tread pattern on the performance of a tractor engine


Muqadas Mamasalieva


Improving the transport infrastructure on the federal highway


Darya Sorokina, and Mariia Zhuravleva


Study of the optimal distance between electric charging stations located on highways


Alexey Shvetsov


A unified approach for measuring the level of service of transport infrastructure


Timofei Radionov, Anton Mikhalev, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, and Denis Mityukhin


Engineering, Transport Energy Efficiency and Power Industry


Investigation of the quality of functioning of a quadrature signals receiver of a continuous automatic cab signaling on records of real signals and interference


Ruslan R. Yusupov, Alexey S. Khokhrin, Alexander L. Zolkin, Avaz M. Merganov, and Mikhail G. Grigoriev


Simulation of the operation of a traction power supply system with various types of electrical energy storage devices


Vladislav L. Nezevak


Analysis of reliability of a prefabricated conductive rail joint in context of heavy traffic


Alevtina G. Isaicheva, Maxim V. Basharkin, Alexander L. Zolkin, Yulia N. Koval, and Mikhail R. Bogdanov


The influence of anisotropic properties of the under-rail base on the track dynamic settlement


Zulfiya Fazilova, and Elvira Egereva


Modern structures for slope stability in the design of artificial structures on railroad tracks


Artem Subbotin, Natalia Kandrashina, Valeria Kandrashina, and Kamila Najmudinova


Problems of and prospects for the development of railway infrastructure in Kazakhstan


Erjan Akhmedov


An estimation of mechanical stresses in the stator of the NB-514 motor of an electric locomotive


Aleksandr Portnoj, Oleg Melnichenko, Sergej Shramko, Aleksej Linkov, Pavel Grigorenko, and Maxim Mishchenkov


Study of press joints using strain gauges at low loads


Artem Popkov, Sergey Shlyakhtenkov, and Vladimir Vyplaven


Development of a simulation model for controlling energy storage systems on electric trains


Stanislav Istomin, and Andrej Shatohin


Method of electric vehicle braking energy recovery


Nikolay Barbashov, and Anastasia Polyantseva


Calculation of the economic and environmental efficiency of introducing advanced technologies in the energy supply of buildings


Mekhriya Koroli, and Adelya Ivanisova


Calculation of energy-power parameters of roll mechanisms


Abdumajit Saliyev


Force analysis of roller squeezing mechanism


Shavkat Khurramov, Farkhad Khalturaev, Feruza Kurbanova, and

Zukhriddin Absamatov


Study of the influence of thermodynamic processes on the parameters of the technical condition of power plants


Victor Kochergin, Sergej Glushkov, Boris Lebedev, Oleg Lebedev,

and Valerij Konovalov


Transition from traditional cars to electric ones in Arctic regions


Alexey Shvetsov


Failures and methods of ensuring the service life of friction discs of gearboxes


Vladimir Vakhrushev


Dielectric separation


Bahodirjon Mamadzhanov, Abrorbek Shukuraliev, Shukhratbek Mannobboev,

Shoyadbek Turaev, Aslidin Patidinov, and Shakhnoza Mavlyanova


Numerical simulation of aerodynamic processes in the fan in the diesel locomotive cooling module


Alexander Goryunov, Arthur Shmakov, Anton Skachkov, Yekaterina Kharlamova, and Maria Glebova


Effect of undissolved gas on fluid bulk modulus


Konstantin V. Troyakov, Anna S. Kaverzina, Vyacheslav V. Rybin, Alexey Yu. Ivanov,

and Artem A. Kardash


Development of a reduced-order virtual model of a diesel locomotive cooling module


Alexander Goryunov, Arthur Shmakov, Anton Skachkov, Yekaterina Kharlamova, and Maria Glebova


Predictive maintenance of cutting tools using artificial neural networks


Nazokat Karimova, Ulugbek Ochilov, Sherali Yakhshiev, and Ilhom Egamberdiev


Methodological approach to determining the area of air recycling on metro lines with double track tunnels


Sergey Zhikharev


Innovative solutions for a new technology of high-speed rail grinding


Andrey Ilinykh, Alexander Pikalov, and Elena Jurkova1


Heat transfer modeling during thermite welding of rails


Sergey Glushkov, Marina Galay, and Eduard Sidorov


Monitoring of the technical condition of structures and building materials of an elevator silo housing


Svetlana Sazonova, Sergei Nikolenko, Nadezhda Akamsina, Dmitry Sysoev, and

Leonid Stenyukhin


New working equipment of PXP 2.0 high-performance railway train


Andrey Ilinykh, Denis Vorontsov, and Vladimir Miloradovich


Analysis of railway transport snow-blowing equipment operating modes by diesel generator operation parameters


Anton Kochetkov, Mikhail Gulyaev, and Artem Popkov


Technosphere and Environmental Safety


Improving the efficiency of diesel filters to reduce the adverse impact of fuel on the



Gurban H. Dadashov, Vladimir V. Babin, Ivan E. Alekseev, Yuri E. Serebrennikov, and Maxim Yu. Romanenko


Improving environmental efficiency of gas purification by low-temperature treatment


Vladimir V. Babin, Maxim Yu. Romanenko, Yuri E. Serebrennikov, Vladimir V. Chernetsov, and Gurban H. Dadashov


Approximation method for the potential composition of petroleum fractions


Larisa Tugashova, Ruslan Bazhenov, Saida Beknazarova, Olga Chuyko, and

Aleksandr Dimitriev


Technology to prevent snow accumulation on the roofs of buildings operated by a transport company as a solution to snow removal problems


Tatyna Saulova, Vitaly Bas, Yury Simkin and Artem Nadegkin


Methodology for collecting information in the study of vehicle safety


Pavel Solonshchikov, and Evgeny Kosolapov


Development of control system of isopentane-isoamylene fraction rectification column using neural network


Elena Muravyova, Tamara Grigorieva, and Alexandra Gaidukova


Theoretical aspects of designing an integrated management system of industrial, fire and environmental safety of the organization


Irina Rashoyan


Increasing the environmental safety of the motor transport complex by optimizing traffic on emergency road sections


Kirill Magdin, Irina Sippel, and Stanislav Evtyukov


Theory and methods for assessing technogenic impact on the environment of northwestern Siberia


Alexander N. Zhukov


Ensuring transport security during cargo transportation


Pavel Solonshickov, Irina Tolstoukhova, Artem Shevchenko, and Polina Kokorina


Pump jack balancing control method depending on the load


Anna S. Kaverzina, Konstantin V. Troyakov, Alexey Yu. Ivanov, Artem A. Kardash,

and Vyacheslav V. Rybin


Parameters of technological machine roll contact curves


Gayrat Bahadirov, Kakhramon Aliboev, and Zukhriddin Absamatov


Safety data sheets for chemical laboratories associated with environmental engineering


Irek Ibragimov


Design and technology concepts in providing auxiliary track roadbed stability on permafrost


Oksana Neratova, and Svetlana Zhdanova


Information Technologies, Transportation Science and Technology Synergy


Transformation of the multilevel system of transport infrastructure project management


Andrey Sazonov, and Marina Sazonova


Application of finite element analysis in the development of the pedal assembly of the Formula Student racing car


Alexander V. Bobrowskii, Alexey V. Zotov, Dmitry A. Bobrowskii, Mikhail P. Gololobov, and Ekaterina D. Chizhatkina


Development of human capital through assessing the level of competencies of higher education programs in modern economic conditions


Olga Kharina, and Eduard Zhdanov


Investigation of the conditions of movement of magnetic transport devices on ferromagnetic surfaces of various orientations


Sergey Koryagin, Oleg Sharkov, and Nikolay Velikanov


New engineering methods in snow removal of roofs by air jets


Yury Simkin, Tatyna Saulova, and Vitaly Bas


Fundamentals of the organization of supervisory activities for labor safety during the repair of mobile power facilities in agriculture


Igor Lipkovich, Irina Egorova, Nadezhda Petrenko, Anton Popov, Ilgiz Razetdinov, and Viktor Markov


Balancing security and user experience in the evolving digital landscape


Kingsley Okoli, and Yana Bekeneva


Solving the problems of studying passenger flow in urban public transport by introducing digital technologies


Bakhtiyor Aliboev, Gulchehra Juraeva, Doniyor Akhmedov, Normakhamat Gulyamov, and Akbar Abrorov


Investigation of transportation infrastructure elements on the example of spherical bridge bearing


Anastasia Bogdanova, Anna Kamenskikh, and Yuriy Nosov


Increasing the operational parameters of worm gears


Olga Sukhanova, Darya Spirina, Liliya Nikitina, Kseniya Sobol, and Ivan Trifanov


Development of construction of a screw conveyer that transports and cleans cotton,

justification of screw parameters


Kozimjon Yuldashev, Anvar Djuraev, and Oybek Teshaboev


System analysis of the procurement warehouse for the achievement of its effectiveness


Stanislav Gorobchenko, Dmitriy Kovalev, Venera Yumagulova, Maria Lushpaeva,

Svetlana Zatenko, and Natalia Melamed


Thе imрасt of the disс roller’s diаmeter on the сombined mасhine’s рerformаnсe during the sequentiаl рroсessing of freshlу рlаntеd sоil


Dаvlаtkhоn K. Muqimova, Sаidоlim J. Zingirоv, Bахtiоr M. Ахmаtоhunоv, Dоstоnbеk Z. Zоkirоv, Аbdulаziz R. Mеlikuziеv, and Lосhinbеk Е. Tursunbоеv


Calculation for variations in resistance force during trailer unloading device operation


Khayrullo Baynazarov, Shoyadbek Turayev, Abdumannob Giyasidiniv, Sarvarbek Ismailov, Nurmuxammad Maxammadjonov, and Xasanboy Sotvoldiyev


Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles and application of nanoadditives in diesel fuel: bibliometric analysis


Ivan Morenko, Irina Isaeva, Irina Odinokova, and Galina Ostaeva


Traditional and green approaches to the synthesis of copper-containing nanoparticles

using chemical reduction


Ivan Morenko, Irina Isaeva, Irina Odinokova and Galina Ostaeva


Cost-effectiveness analysis of the implementation of transport and technological

cycles in the swarm use of agricultural UAVs


Igor Kovalev, Dmitry Kovalev, Komil Astanakulov, Valery Podoplelova,

Anna Voroshilova, and Zinaida Shaporova


Environmental safety problems of swarm use of UAVs in precision agriculture


Alena Yablokova, Dmitry Kovalev, Igor Kovalev, Valeria Podoplelova, and

Komil Astanakulov


Development of an automated system for designing ball screws


Maxim Terekhov, Anna Sazonova, Rodion Filippov, Yuri Leonov, and Ilya Sorokin


Direct geocoding of street intersections in text message analysis tasks


Alexandr Lopushanskiy, and Yana Bekeneva


The testbed for definition of the exploit’s execution features to detect and score cyber attacks


Sergei Verevkin, and Elena Fedorchenko


Detection of internal security incidents in cyber-physical systems


Anastasia Iskhakova


On the construction of data protection algorithms in cyberphysical systems


Andrey Iskhakov


An approach to automating the daily performance indicators monitoring of a

transport company


Dmitry Khalitov, and Elena Molchanova


Optimization of urban agglomeration transport flows


Nikolaj Sokolov, Oksana Shalamova, and Victor Kochergin


Analysis of post-processing methods of cluster IMU MEMS of autonomous navigation of ground transport systems


Fedor Sorokin, Roman Kiselev, and Alena Golovleva


Using digital twins to manage traffic flows


Yaroslav Shamlitsky, Ovsyankin Aleksey, Evgeny Morozov, and Tatiana Strekaleva


Transportation Operations and Logistics Dynamics


Multi-layer cross-country maps as a data source for solving the problem of laying a route


Roman Dobretsov, Sergey Voinash, Sergey Ariko, Svetlana Partko,

Abdul-Mudalif Dzjasheev, Ramil Zagidullin, and Stanislav Akhmetshin


Controlled power distribution mechanisms in the transmission of an integral tractor


Roman Dobretsov, Viktoriia Sokolova, Aleksandr Ivanov, Alexander Scherbakov, and Anna Novozhilova


Study of fuel injection and atomization processes of a diesel engine running on

petroleum fuel and biofuel


Pablo Ramon Vallejo Maldonado, Sergey Devyanin, Vladimir Markov,

Vsevolod Neverov, Airat Safin, and Adel Yakushev


Estimated assessment of the static position of the hull with a change in the pre-tensioning force of the tracks


Artem Bazhukov, Vladimir Rolle, Polina Stepina, Stanislav Akhmetshin,

Adel Yakushev, and Alexandra Orekhovskaya


Estimated assessment of the power and geometric parameters of the caterpillar mover


Artem Bazhukov, Sergey Hoodorozhkov, Andrey Karnaukhov, Sergey Voinash,

Linar Sabitov, and Ilgam Kiyamov    


Calculation of energy expenses for moving soil by the conveyor of the unit for tunneling


Vladimir Nikolaev, Irina Troyanovskaya, Ekaterina Mikhaylenko,

Alexander Scherbakov, Ilgam Kiyamov, and Linar Sabitov


Experimental study of diesel engine, running on petroleum diesel fuel and rapeseed oil


Pablo Ramon Vallejo Maldonado, Sergey Devyanin, Vladimir Markov,

Vsevolod Neverov, Ekaterina Miroshikhina, and Aidar Nurullin


Problems and prospects for the development of transport systems in Yakutia


Dmitriy Andreev


Analysis of the concentration of traffic flows in cities and towns when assessing the potential noise level in residential areas


Vladislav V. Bulkin


Determination of the vehicle’s carrying capacity taking into account the bearing capacity of the roads


Damir Nuretdinov, Radik Galiyev, Marat Kalimullin, Abdul-Mudalif Dzjasheev,

Anton Popov, and Rustem Sakhapov


Research of antenna arrays with non-equidistant emitters


Eduard Zhdanov, Andrey Slavyansky, Olga Kharina, and Alexander Shpak


Modern issues of forming an assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of public urban passenger transport systems


Sergey Mochalin, Yuliya Koleber, Anatolij Shonin, and Andrej Larin


Development of information support of the decision-making management system for emergency prevention based on distance video systems


Aleksandr Koshel, Pavel Kuprienko, Vitaly Fedyanin, Alexey Vytovtov, and

Denis Korolev


Algorithm for operational planning of transportation by machine shipments in long-

distance traffic


Nikita Novokshonov, Sergey Mochalin, Roksana Shipitsyna, Nikolai Ponomarev, and Irina Pogulayeva


Integration of transport system management tasks


Vladimir Mavzovin, Nikolay Klevanskiy, Irina Teterina, Ramil Zagidullin, and Vladimir Zyryanov


On the issue of developing urban infrastructure for electric vehicles


Grigory Nesterenko, Irina Nesterenko, Dmitry Likhachev, Venera Yumagulova,

Iraida Bedenko, and Murad Khafizov


Overview of road safety activities


Grigory Nesterenko, Irina Nesterenko, Sergey Dorokhin, Ruslan Korablev,

Maria Lushpaeva, and Rustem Sakhapov


Determination of the appropriate option for the use of group trains


Natalia Mukovnina, and Oksana Bondarenko


The concept of determining the residual life of vehicle assemblies and components


Damir Nuretdinov, Radik Galiyev, Andrey Shvyriov, Rail Khusainov, Iraida Bedenko, and Almaz Akhmadiev


The new era of American manufacturing: evaluating the risks and rewards of reshoring


Ivan Kudrenko


Increasing oil absorption in bearings as a result of ultrasonic exposure to ultrafine particles


Sadokat Siddikova, Shamilidin Sirojidinov, Nasiba Bakhriddinova, Mokhira Zaripova, and Malokhat Juraeva


The impact of offenses on the logistics process during the transportation of cargo


Elena Velieva, and Yakov Veliev



Transport Economics, Management, and Sociocultural Perspectives


Modern geoinformation technologies and their use in transport management


Natalya N. Pluzhnikova


Socio-cultural factors of the evolution of the urban transport system


Anastasiya Shumilina, and Nataliya Antsiferova


The revolution of IT technologies in the transport economy: application and essence


Polina Kartsan, Igor Kartsan, Aleksandr Zhukov, and Maria Klementeva


Evaluation of the maturity level of sustainable transport enterprise development


Tatyana Mozhaeva, Albert Simkin, and Alexander Proskurin


EAEU international transport corridors in the sustainable development of a regional economy


Elena Bolgova, Sergey Bolgov, and Marina Kurnikova


Analyzing and forecasting road traffic accidents and their consequences: a case study of the Udmurt republic


Sergey Vologdin, Ekaterina Kasatkina, and Alexander Kasatkin


Impact of disequilibrium price on sales volume in a logistics system


Aleksandr S. Dulesov, Natalja V. Dulesova, and Irina А. Gimanova


Recommendations for the use of efficient water resources in mountainous areas and its economic-mathematical model


Xakimxon Xikmatov, Adkham Amonov, Rakhmon Eshimov, Alisher Abdinobiyev,

Ulugbek Ubaydullayev, and Jamshid Parmonov


Estimation of the efficiency of road construction machines in the design


Nikolay Barbashov, Roman Kiselev, and Julia Strelkova


Influence of digital transformation of society on the competence requirements of transport company employees


Galina Gagarinskaya, Arkadiy Kremnev, Tatiana Tarasova, Olga Ivanchina, and

Olga Tarasova


The role of transport in export development of fuel and energy complex


Natalya Leokumovich, Larisa Kriklevskaya, Elena Mikhaylova, Olga Kuklina, and Alexandra Pecherina


An intuitionistic fuzzy rough model for maritime transportation chains under disaster effects: the case of COVID-19


Elena Ganshina


The motivational and volitional sphere of transport police officers


Svetlana K. Malakhaeva, Tatiana I. Nikulina, Ekaterina V. Zimina, Anastasia I. Gulyaeva, and Evgeniya G. Kopalkina


Increasing the attractiveness of electric vehicles for consumers in cold climates


Svetlana Shvetsova


Characteristics of optoelectronic discrete displacement converters with hollow and fiber light guides


Umid S. Kholmatov, Davlatkhon K. Mukimova, Elmurod X. Xalimjonov, Axrorbek F. Soliyev, Mukhammadali M. Maribjonov, Mukhriddin R. Komilov, and Mansurxon Shukurov




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